St. Mike's Medical Library

St. Michael's Historical Library

Medicine: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance

Medical Library and Archives

Authors:  82    Titles:  72  

Author Listing (works, references to co-authors)

Title Listing (books, publication data, chapter and illustration list, and content)

Glossary (index to medical terms, phrases and names)

References (links to related sources on the Net)

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Medical Library

The Medical Library of St. Michael's covers only books in the possession of the guild medical historian. Books to be acquired are reviewed for percentage of applicable content. Criteria for including books in this library are shown in order of importance:

I. Time Periods II. Content Types III. Geographical Areas
1. Renaissance 1. Facsimiles 1. England
2. 16th Century 2. Period Re-prints 2. Europe
3. Medieval Times 3. Historical Works 3. Mediterranean
4. Antiquity 4. Surveys 4. Middle East
5. 17th Century 5. Encyclopedias 5. Americas (incl. pre-Columbian Indian)
6. BC 6. Historical Fiction 6. Worldwide
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